Here are some pics from the 4th friday celebration in downtown historic Westerville, just blocks from our house.
I have just been too tired to blog lately. Grady has been sleeping poorly. He will do one 8 hour stretch, which is good, but it usually starts around 6 or 6:30 and I don't go to bed until 10ish. I know I should go to bed earlier, but I don't have a minute to myself all day and once Moi is in bed, usually about 8 or 8:30, I just NEED some time to myself. Grady has been getting up around 2 or 3 (usually he fusses at 1 also and I need to get up and put the paci in, but not feed him) and then he fusses on and off after that until about 7 when we get up. I get a little sleep, but it isn't restful for anyone. I have tried putting him in the bed with me, not putting him in the bed, it doesn't matter. Nothing is better or worse. Moi was like this too, so I know it will get better eventually. I'm not stressed about it like I was with her. Just tired!
But enough complaining....
Grady is hard core into solid foods. He's tried pretty much everything in the "first foods" category of babyfoods that Gerber makes. He's been eating almost 2 jars per meal, 3 meals a day! Breakfast is usually fruit and oatmeal, lunch is a veggie and rice and fruit, and dinner is veggie and fruit. We even tried chicken a few days ago. He didn't seem to like that very much. The first thing he didn't like. I mixed it with peas the next day and he ate it. I read somewhere that babies get sweet tastes first. Savory comes later, so maybe that is why. He is still a very happy baby when he is awake. The interesting thing is he is starting to know who is who and when we are in a new place, he gets scared if someone he doesn't know is holding him. He was also scared when a little boy from playgroup was close to him and I wasn't in eye sight, he screamed like somebody hurt him! If I hadn't seen it with my own eyes, I would have thought he was hurt. But he did it again later. He is a very chill guy but when he gets flustered or scared, watch out! Sometimes Moira is really wild or in his face screamy (just playing around) but he flipps out! The good thing is, I can usually calm him by rocking him close to me and whispering in his ear. He is still rolling from belly to back but has no desire to roll the other way.
Moira did so great at her last creative movement class today. The parents got to watch. It was so adorable. I took like 10 videos. Blogger won't let me upload them anymore. I will try to put them on youtube. Soooo cute! We are def. signing her up again in the fall. She just loved it and learned so much.
Today Moira said "Mommy, I don't like boys. They lie and are stinky. I like only girls, and daddy, and Grady, and cheese!" I thought that was random, and funny. We've been talking a lot about lying lately, but I don't have the energy to get into that right now. Susan, if you are reading this, you need to e-mail me if you every reigned in Sammi's fibbing or have any tips. We are at that stage right now! Pretend world vs. lying is a very fine line and Moira seems to be crossing it a lot.
Moira says so many things that are hilarious but I can't think of them right now. I need to start righting them down.