So we all remember the ballet saga from last week. We worked since last Thursday on talking about the class, how it would be fun, mom would be right outside, etc. She kept saying she "didn't' want to do it, only watch". I told her I wouldn't make her do it, but we would have to ask them if they would let us keep watching in the corner! I really didn't expect her to do it b/c she has been relentless that she would not participate. We got to class and I told the teacher I think it freaked her out that I couldn't go in the room at all, and asked if I could walk in with her. She agreed, although didn't seem super excited about the idea. We walked in and all stood in the corner (there are only 3 other girls in the class and one of them wasn't there). They asked her if she wanted to go stand in line with the other girls and she just hid behind me. They said what if mommy does it? So I went and stood in line with the other 2 girls and Moi did too. I felt pretty silly, and poor Grady was just rockin in his car seat over in the corner probably wondering what the heck is going on... After only 2 or 3 minutes I whispered to her that I had to go check Grady. I assumed she'd come follow me but she didn't, she stayed in line doing the dances with the class VERY SHEEPISHLY. Oh, my heart melted, it was so cute. I wish I had a video camera to show how she was doing it, but it was definitely one of those moments that will forever be etched in my heart. I had to fight back the tears- just seeing her in that line in front of the teachers is a huge step for her, I can't even explain! So Grady and I sat in the corner for a few more minutes. He needed to eat and I knew he would start screaming soon. There is a door to another classroom right there so I opened it and sat in the doorway breastfeeding Grady (fun fun!) and then moved back into the waiting room with the other moms. They all cheered for us b/c they knew how horrible the week before was (since we had to leave with her in hysterics). I was so nervous those last 15 minutes that she would realize I wasn't sitting by the door anymore and freak out but of course, she was fine. When the classroom door opened the teachers came out but no kids. I was like, where did they go? Well, they all got to pick out a piece of candy from a big candy vat! Moira came running out with the BIGGEST smile I have ever seen. She was so proud of herself for doing it. Of course, I gave her the biggest hug ever. She immediately started telling me how much fun she had and asked if I was proud of her for doing it all by herself. She said "We even did ring around the rosie, my favorite thing!" She said the teachers asked her what her favorite thing about summer was and she said "going to yard sales". She's never been to a yard sale, I think she was referring to the stuff I brought her from the baby bargains sale. Anyway, it was just a great experience.
This afternoon, we went to the Easton Fountains. She had so much fun. We went inside to get some Auntie Anne's pretzels and came back out and played some more. At the end though, some 6 or 7 year old boy came running full on into her and knocked her legs out from under her and the were up in the air sideways I swear like 3' tall and fell onto the side of her face/head. Oh, it was horrible! I think it must have looked worse than it was though b/c she recovered faster than I would have expected. Grady was laughing so hard at the fountains, it was really cute.
Moira has been talking to the tv, to her cartoons, saying things like "Pinky dinky do, do you want to come to my house to play? It is really fun, I have a bed and a playroom!" It's kind of funny that not only does she think that they are real, but they are actually right there in front of her.
Today Moi was on the computer and I asked her something and she said "Don't bother me mommy, I'm concentrating. Do you know what that means?" Speaking of the computer. I taught her how to double click the Internet icon, go to favorites, and pull down Noggin, Playhouse Disney, Nick Jr., and Sesame Street! She can then play all the games she wants! There is a little icon next to each website with a mouse for Noggin, etc. It's very handy. Especially for the times when I am putting Grady down for a nap, I need something quiet for her to do. But you know it's getting a little crazy when the other day she said "Mommy, how do you spell dotcom?"
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