Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Remember When....?

Moira has an amazing memory. All the time she says "Remember when..." then goes into elaborate detail about things that happened sometimes a very long time ago. Like over a year, which I think is a long time for a 3 year old. She was talking about how Missy Judy really liked her Valentines Day candy, and that was the lady who did the in home preschool when Moi was only 2 1/2! Today she was talking about a time when Laura stopped over with her dog and about the dog Rupert and she only saw him for about 30 seconds.

Grady had a horrible night of sleep last night. Up every hour or less. I finally put him in bed with me around 12:30 and he was very gassy, which is weird b/c he hasn't been that way since he was about 8 weeks. ????? He is still super duper happy and easy going during the day. Not sure what is up, but I have learned you just have to roll with it with babies. They are gonna do what they are gonna to do. If he has a really bad night though, I might take him to the Dr. for an ears/nose/throat etc. check.
Moira has her first "Creative Movement" class tomorrow. She has mixed feelings about it. She is excited, yet her stranger/adult anxiety is getting to her too. She said she "isn't going to talk to anybody and if they try to talk to her she will spit in their face". I have told her she most certainly will not spit in anybody's face or she will get her nuk taken away. We'll see, wish us luck! She has a cold. She is very snotty and I could tell she had a fever before bed, so hopefully she'll be well enough to go.
Moira has been talking about weddings and who she is going to marry. She can't decide whether she is going to marry Allie or Davis, but pretty sure she has decided on Davis. We drive by a wedding dress store on Main Street on the way home and she always says "Can I wear a pretty dress like that when I am as big as you?" She said she wanted to marry daddy but I told her he is already married to me. She said "Well, I am going to wedding Davis and next time I see him I am going to tell him that really loudly!"
We got this book for her at the baby bargains sale called "David Gets in Trouble". I figured it would be right up her ally. There is this boy named David and there are pictures of him getting in trouble for all sorts of various things. There is one picture of him in a corner with soap in his mouth for saying a bad word. Chris asked her what saying a bad word meant and she said "tooting in someone's face", then she thougth some more and said "stupid".