Moira on the way home. Grandma asked her to get her some cotton candy and Moi wouldn't let us leave until we found some.
Oh my, our trip to Portsmouth was so long ago I feel like that I can't remember all what happened! Here are some pics from out trip to the county fair. It was HOT and Moira was kind of in a mood, but we stayed a few hours. The most exciting thing about the trip was we left Moira with my parents and Grady with Chris's parents for the night time and we went out to dinner and stayed at a hotel for the night! Our first nights w/o Grady! He did well for the most part other than waking a medium amount. Moira did great too and was begging not to leave!
We decided to let Grady "Cry it Out". I know it works from Moi and I was just waiting for the right time. I moved my bed to the queen size futon in the playroom. We are on night 4, so far pretty good. He slept though the night the first night (Friday) so that wasn't a true test. Saturday he had 2 spells where he cried 1/2 an hour. Once I was gone out to dinner with some friends so Chris just went in ever 5 minutes, comforted him quickly and then left. He did that again at 4 am and ended up going back to sleep. Last night he slept until 5:30. He had been asleep like 11 hours so I fed him and he went back to sleep. Keep your fingers crossed! Moira is still nuk free! Whoo hooo! So proud of her.
Moira is really into math. She is always counting and will add and subtract in her head. Basic stuff but still pretty good for her age. Like she saw 2 sets of two swings and went 2 plus 2 is 4. And she will say "We bought 5 lemons (she has to count EVERYTHING) and we ate one so now we have 4". I am wondering if this will be her subject. She seems very drawn to numbers and adding.
Hilarious bathroom humor:
Moira: "Pee pee is what potty's drink and poopy is what they eat! This potty is mighty hungry!"
After Grady's 3rd poop of the day Moi declared "Grady is a stinky diaper-aholic!"
Looking at some of her shirts she said "I don't like those shirts, I will only wear them if I have to toot!"
Speaking of Grady's bathroom, after having many diaper blow outs I took him to the Dr. and we are now in possesion of a "parasite test kit". I get to scoop up the next diaper explosion and put samples into these 3 vials and see if he has a parasite! He's just been pooping like crazy. I've been giving him only rice and banans for the last week and he is still crazy poopy. The dr. said it might be a long lasting stomach bug, so we shall see. He's still been in a very good mood and still babling and trying to crawl, etc.
I joined two Westerville Moms groups this week! I couldn't decide which one to do and two of my friends (who I have met through Moira's preschool) told me to do both. I am excited to have friends close to us and they have so many activities planned that should be fun. It's going to be a busy fall! Moira was doing every other friday for preschool but they called me and told me there was an oppening for the other half friday class so we are going to do that so she will have school 3 days a week. Another one of her friends, Cassidy, is doing both Friday classes and the teacher is the same, so I think that will be good.
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