Tuesday, January 5, 2010

I had to wake Grady up from his nap to go get Moi from school. He was sleeping on his hands.

Moira has an imaginary friend. His name is Max. He is a bunny. He is around her all the time. He is very naughty and gets in trouble a lot. She spend 2 hours yelling at him last night, mainly going "max! max! max!" It was giving me a headache! I told her if they can't play nicely he would have to go home and she threw herself on theground going "we'll get along! we'll get along!".

So much to catch up on!!! I don't even know where to begin! Grady is almost walking! I think he is trying to say "thank you". When he pics up toys he say "dank-que" Not sure exactly what this means.

Grady has started resisting his veggies. I put green beans, chicken and cheese on his tray and he picked up the green beans one by one and said "ought oh! ought oh! ought oh!" and threw them on the ground. So I got these freeze dried veggies from Raisin Rack. They are pretty good. I put them on his tray and he got all excited and went "ball! ball!" I couldn't figure out what he was talking about and then I realized he had the dried peas and was throwing them across the room. He thought they were balls! Ha ha!

1 comment:

  1. Smart guy...he's knows peas are horrible!!!! Aunt Jeanne
