Moira is really getting into Grady lately. They play pretend, although he doesn't know it... She said the other day "Mommy, I really love him, can we keep him?" She also said she wants to marry him so they'll never be apart! I told her so sweet but she can't marry her brother. She said "how about I marry you and we go to the shopping mall all day and Grady marries daddy and they sit at home and watch NASCAR?" Not a bad plan! She also said funny the other day "It's easy to tell that I am a girl b/c I have long hair, but it's more tricky to tell if I have a penis or not". True... very true....
Grady is talking a lot. New words are popsicles, duck, juice, chair, ow, some others, I forget. He said his first sentence- "there's a kitty!" He walks around going "tickle tickle tickle" and loves tickles and hugs. He is switched from formula to milk but he won't take it out of a sippy. I've tried them all. Shrug.